My collection of PDF files(1122 documents, updated on Dec, 12, 2010)

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25106[Anonymous]1845Vocabulaires guiolof, manding, foule, saracole, séraire, bagnon et floupe, recueillis à la côte d'Afrique pour le service de l'ancienne Compagnie Royale du SénégalAvezac_1845-25106.pdf
25129[Anonymous]1980Guide de Transcription et Lexique Bozo [Tieyaxo sawananbaana yee a xarabuye]bozo_1980-25129.pdf
24181[Anonymous]1996Lexique bainouke / françaisNTM_1996.pdf
24180[Anonymous]2001Cours d’alphabétisation en bainoukeNTM_2001.pdf
25095[Anonymous]19--Lexique Susu-FrançaisRepGuinee_25095-susu.pdf
163Adam, Jean Jerome1969Grammaire ndumu-mbedeBiton_1969-2463.pdf
24609Adami, P. (avec la collaboration de Dj. Djarangar, J. Fédry, Ng. Nassity et P. Palayer)1981Lexique bediondo-françaisAdami_1981-24609.pdf
178Adams, R. F. G.1952/53English-Efik/Efik-English dictionaryAdams_1953-178.pdf
24924Adouna, Gbandi2009Description phonologique et grammaticale du konkomba - Langue GUR du Togo et du Ghana - Parler de NawaréAdouna_2009-24924.pdf
323Aginsky, Ethel Gertrude1935A grammar of the Mende languageAginsky_1935-mende.pdf
24568Ajiboye, Oladiipo Jacob2006Topics On Yoruba Nominal ExpressionsajiboyeNR12975.pdf
437Aklilu Yilma2001Sociolinguistic survey report of the Nayi language of EthiopiaSILESR2002-010.pdf
23673Albro, Daniel M.1998Nawdem-English dictionary with examplesAlbro_1998.pdf
491Alemayehu Abebe2002Sociolinguistic survey report of the Mesketo language of EthiopiaSILESR2002-067.pdf
492Alemayehu Abebe2002Ometo dialect pilot survey reportSILESR2002-068.pdf
529Alexandre, Pierre1963Aperçu sommaire sur le pidgin A70 du CamerounAlexandre_1963.pdf
530Alexandre, Pierre1965Proto-histoire du groupe beti-bulu-fang: essai de synthèse provisoireAlexandre_1965-beti-bulu-fang.pdf
571Alio-Daouchane, Khalil & Herrmann Jungraithmayr1990Lexique bidyaJungraithmayr_1989-571.pdf
24484Allan, Edward Jay1977 [1973]BuemWALDS-1a.pdf
24521Allan, Edward Jay1980 [1974]LikpeWALDS-2a.pdf
24535Allen, Christine Anne1980 [1973]SeleWALDS-2b.pdf
24515Amayo, Airen1980 [1975]EdoWALDS-2a.pdf
657Ameka, Felix K.1999The typology and semantics of complex nominal duplication in EweAmeka_1999_657.pdf
24087Amu, Misonu1997Glossary of Ewe musical termsAmu_1997-ewe.pdf
713Anbessa Teferra1991A skecth of Shabo grammarTeferra_1991-713.pdf
24921Anonby, Erik John2008Phonology and Morphology of Mambay (Niger-Congo, Adamawa)Anonby_2008-24921.pdf
24176Anonymous (David Sapir ?)s.d.Greenberg’s list for Gusilay spoken at Tiounk EssilSapir_gusilay-fogny.pdf
24569Applegate, Joseph R.1955Shilha: A Descriptive Grammar With Vocabulary and Textsapplegate0013372.pdf
929Appleyard, David L.1975A descriptive outline of KemantAppleyard_1975-929.pdf
939Appleyard, David L.1987A grammatical sketch of KhamtangaAppleyard_1987_khamtanga-2.pdf
954Appleyard, David L.1996Kaïliña: a ‘new’ Agaw dialect and its implications for Agaw dialectologyAppleyard_1996-954.pdf
24901Appleyard, David L.2006A Comparative Dictionary of the Agaw LanguagesAppleyard_2006-24902.pdf
24487Apronti, Eric Ofoe1977 [1972]DangmeWALDS-1a.pdf
970Arasanyin, Frank Ojo1998Planning national language: the Hausa factor in language policy for NigeriaMaddieson-Hinnebusch_1998-12648.pdf
25041Areghan, Gloria1983L'ESAN d'UBIAJA : éléments de description d'une langue du groupe èdo (Bendel State, Nigeria)Areghan_1983-25041.pdf
996Aritiba, Adji Sardji1987Le lamba de défalé (langue gurunsi du Togo): phonologie et morphologieAritiba_1987-lamba-lex-996.pdf
1021Armstrong, Robert Gelston1983The Idomoid languages of the Benue and Cross River valleysArmstrong_1983-1021.pdf
1030Arnott, David Whitehorn1956The middle voice in FulaArnott_1956-01030.pdf
23731Arnott, David Whitehorn1965Fula dialects in the ‘Polyglotta Africana’Arnott_1965-23731.pdf
1041Arnott, David Whitehorn1974Some aspects of the study of Fula dialectsArnott_1974-01041.pdf
24494Arnott, David Whitehorn1977 [1968]FulaWALDS-1b.pdf
24539Arnott, David Whitehorn1980 [1968]TivWALDS-2b.pdf
24570Arvanites, Linda1991The Glottalic Phonemes of Proto Eastern Cushiticarvanites9119158.pdf
25108Avezac, G. d'1845Notice sur le pays et le peuple des Yébous en AfriqueAvezac_1845-25108.pdf
1203Ayotte, Michael & Charlene Ayotte2002Rapid appraisal and lexicostatistical analysis surveys of Atong, Ambele and Menka (Widikum-Menka Subdivision, Momo Division, North-West Province)SILESR2002-076.pdf
1204Ayotte, Michael & Charlene Ayotte2002Rapid appraisal and lexicostatistical analysis survey of MantaSILESR2002-079.pdf
24571Ayuninjam, Funwi F.1994Mbili: A Linguistic Analysisayuninjam9526144.pdf
1225Ba, Oumar1968Vocabulaire de base : introduction à l'étude du poular du Fouta sénégalaisBa_1968-1225.pdf
1226Ba, Oumar1968Le franc-parler toucouleurBa_1968-1226.pdf
25060Babaev, Kyrill V.2008Reconstructing Proto-Benue-Congo person marking I: Proto-BantoidBabaev_2008-25060.pdf
23724Bahuchet, Serge & Gérard Philippson1998Les plantes d’origine américaine en Afrique bantoue: une approche linguistiqueChastenet-article-4.pdf
24192Bailleul, Charles1986Sens originel des postpositions en bambara11bailleul.pdf
1309Bailleul, Charles1996Dictionnaire bambara-françaisBailleul_1996-1309.pdf
1310Bailleul, Charles1998Dictionnaire français-bambaraBailleul_1998-1310.pdf
1341Baker, Mark C. & Osumuyimen Thompson Stewart2001Unaccusativity and the adjective/verb distinction: Èdó evidenceBaker_Stewart_2001-edo.pdf
25051Baldi, Sergio & Mahmoud Adam2005Dagbani basic and cultural vocabularyBaldi-Adam_2005-25051.pdf
24196Balenghien, Etienne1987-88A propos de l'alphabet du bambara au Mali14balenghien.pdf
1398Bamgbose, Ayo1967Notes on the phonology of MbeBamgbose_1967-1398.pdf
24189Bari, Abdulayi1985Nòrònnaw -ma, -man, -lama bamanankan na. [Suffixes -ma, -man, -lama dans la langue bambara]10bari.pdf
24197Bari, Abdulayi1987-88Nyn?r? /mán/ sintin. [L'étymologie du préfixe mán.]14bari.pdf
24524Barnwell, Katharine1980MbembeWALDS-2a.pdf
1593Barreteau, Daniel1983Description du mofu-gudur (langue de la famille tchadique parlée au Cameroun)Barreteau_1983-mofu-gudur.pdf
1614Barrett, Anthony J.1988English-Turkana dictionaryBarrett_1988-1614.pdf
1624Barry, Abdoulaye1987The Joola languages: subgrouping and reconstructionBarry_1987.pdf
24044Bassène, Alain-Christian2006Description du jóola Banjal (Sénégal)Bassene_2006-ths.pdf
25026Bassène, Alain-Christian2009Propriétés d'encodage et de comportement des constructions ditransitives en jóola banjalBassene_2009-25026.pdf
24074Basso Marques, João1947Aspectos do problema da semelhança da língua dos papéis, manjacos e bramesBasso-Marques_manjaku.pdf
13083Basso Marques, João1947Familiaridade idiomática entre Cobianas e CassangasBCGP_1947_II-8_875-913.pdf
24916Bastin, Yvonne [Angenot]2006Un PV i¸- à la première personne du singulier en bantouBastin_2006-24916.pdf
24572Baumbach, Jean Marie1997A Brief Linguistic Sketch of Wodaabe Fulfulde Including Consonant Alternationbaumbach1387166.pdf
24392Bautista, Andreliz, Hamadou Boukari & Moussa G.1991Dictionnaire de fulfulde ; trainee's book1991_fulfulde_peace-corps.pdf
24573Beachy, Marvin Dean2005An Overview of Central Dizin Phonology and Morphologybeachy1430638.pdf
25121Beapami, R.P., R. Chatfield, G. Kouarata & A. Waldschmidt2000Dictionnaire mbochi-françaisBeapami-Chatfield-Kouarata-Waldschmidt_2000-25121.pdf
1896Bearth, Thomas1971L’énoncé toura (Côte d’Ivoire)Bearth_1971-1896.pdf
24540Bearth, Thomas1980 [1973]TouraWALDS-2b.pdf
23680Beavon, Keith H. & Mary Beavon1996Lexique kóonzime-françaisBeavon_1996-23680.pdf
2339Bécuwe, Jacques1982Éléments de phonologie et de grammaire du lobiri (parler de Bouna, Côte d’Ivoire)Becuwe_1982-2339.pdf
22909Bedrosian, Patricia L.1996/97The Mboshi noun class systemBedrosian_1997-22909.pdf
1969Beek, Walter E. A. van1977Color terms in KapsikiBeek_1977-1969.pdf
1972Begne, Leopold Prosper1980The phonology of Bikele, a Cameroonian languageBegne_1980-1972.pdf
2014Bell, Alan1972The development of syllabic nasals in the Bantu noun class prefixes mu-, mi- and ma-Bell_1972-2014.pdf
2013Bell, Herman1970The phonology of Nobíín NubianBell_1970-2013.pdf
2071Bender, Marvin Lionel1983Proto-Koman phonology and lexiconBender_1983-2071.pdf
2096Bender, Marvin Lionel1996KunamaBender_1996-2096.pdf
2154Bennett, Patrick R.1973Identification, classification and Bantu linguisticsBennett_1973-2154.pdf
2165Bennett, Patrick R.1983Patterns in linguistic geography and the Bantu origins controversyBennett_1983-02165.pdf
24500Bergman, Richard K.1977 [1973]IgedeWALDS-1b.pdf
2262Berthelette, Carol & John Berthelette2001Sociolinguistic survey report for the Tiéfo languageSILESR2002-006.pdf
2259Berthelette, John2001Sociolinguistic survey report for the Bissa languageSILESR2002-002.pdf
2260Berthelette, John2001Sociolinguistic survey report for the Yari (Dagaari-Yula) languageSILESR2002-003.pdf
2261Berthelette, John2001Sociolinguistic survey report for the Nuni languageSILESR2002-004.pdf
2263Berthelette, John2001Sociolinguistic survey report for the San (Samo) languageSILESR2002-005.pdf
2264Berthelette, John2001Sociolinguistic survey report for the Tyurama (Turka) languageSILESR2002-008.pdf
2265Berthelette, John2001Sociolinguistic survey report for the Vigué (Viemo) languageSILESR2002-009.pdf
25030Beyer, Klaus2006La langue pana (Burkina Faso et Mali) : description linguistique, lexique, textesBeyer_2006-25030.pdf
2369Bickmore, Lee Stephen1998Opacity effects in Optimal Domains Theory: evidence from EkegusiiMaddieson-Hinnebusch_1998-12648.pdf
2439Bird, Charles Stephen & Mamadou Kanté1976Bambara-English, English-Bambara student lexiconBird-Kante_1977-2439.pdf
2441Bird, Charles Stephen & others1981The dialects of MandenkanBird_1981-2441.pdf
2442Bird, Steven & Maurice Tadadjeu1997Petit dictionnaire: yémba-françaisBird-Tadadjeu_1997.pdf
2462Bitjaa Kody, Zachée Denis & Ngessimo M. Mutaka1996/97Le vocatif en bantouKody-Mutaka_1997-2462.pdf
2463Biton, Alexander1969Dictionnaire ndumu-mbede-français et français-ndumu-mbedeBiton_1969-2463.pdf
2497Blanc, Jean-François1---Le verbe urhoboBlanc_1985-2497.pdf
2522Blanchon, Jean Alain1999Douze études sur les langues du Gabon et du Congo-BrazzavilleBlanchon_1999-2522.pdf
2499Blanchon, Jean Alain1994Dictionnaire informatisé pounou-françaisBlanchon_2008-2499.pdf
2524Blanchon, Jean Alain & Denis Creissels (Ed)1999Issues in Bantu tonologyBlanchon-Creissels_1999-2524.pdf
2553Bleek, Dorothea Frances1931The Hadzapi or Watindiga of Tanganyika territoryBleek_1931-2553.pdf
2570Blench, Roger M.1993An outline classification of the Mambiloid languagesBlench_1993-2570.pdf
22844Blench, Roger M.2005Bangi me, a language of unknown affiliation in northern Malibangime wordlist paper.pdf
2587Blench, Roger M.2000Transitions in Izere nominal morphology and implications for the analysis of Plateau languagesBlench2000-Izere.pdf
2571Blench, Roger M.1993New developments in the classification of Bantu languages and their historical implicationsBlench_1993.pdf
2613Blois, Kornelis Frans de1970The augment in Bantu languagesde-Blois_1970.pdf
24574Bode, Oduntan Gbolahan2000Yoruba Clause Structurebode9996072.pdf
2682Bodomo, Adams B.2000DàgáárèBodomo_2000-2682.pdf
2680Bodomo, Adams B.1998Serial verb constructions as complex predicates in Dagaare and AkanMaddieson-Hinnebusch_1998-12648.pdf
2702Boeck, L. B. de1950Les prépréfixes dans les langues bantoues du nord-ouest du Congo BelgedeBoek_1950.pdf
2734Bohnhoff, Lee Edward1982Yag Dii (Duru) ideophonesBohnhoff_1982-2734.pdf
24320Bohnhoff, Lee Edward1991Dictionnaire de la langue dii (duru)Bohnhoff_1991-24320.pdf
24673Bohoussou, Amani2008L'énoncé complexe du nànáfw?^Bohoussou_2008-24673.pdf
2809Bôle-Richard, Rémy1983L’égaBoleRichard_1983-2809.pdf
2808Bôle-Richard, Rémy1983L’ébriéBoleRichard_1983-2808.pdf
23773Bond, Oliver2006A broader perspective on Point of View: logophoricity in Ogonoid languagesBond_2006.pdf
2833Bonneau, [Révérend] [Père] J.1940Grammaire pounou ; partie 1Bonneau_1940-Punu.pdf
2834Bonneau, [Révérend] [Père] J.1947Grammaire pounou ; partie 2Bonneau_1947-Punu.pdf
2836Bonneau, [Révérend] [Père] J.1952Grammaire pounou ; partie 3Bonneau_1952-Punu.pdf
2914Bostoen, Koen2004Linguistics for the use of African history and the comparative study of Bantu pottery vocabularyBostoen_2004.pdf
24639Bostoen, Koen2008Bantu Spirantization : Morphologization, lexicalization and historical classificationBostoen_2008-diachronica.pdf
3004Bouquiaux, Luc (Ed)1980L’expansion bantoue: actes du colloque international du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Viviers 4-16 avril 1977Hyman-Voorhoeve-eds_1980-3004-1.pdf
3037Bowern, Claire & Victoria Lotridge (Ed)2002NdebeleBowern-Lotridge_2002-3037.pdf
24926Boyd, Raymond1999A Linguistic Sketch of Tiba (Gà), Part 1tibaDM.pdf
24927Boyd, Raymond1999A Linguistic Sketch of Tiba (Gà), Part 2tibaDM.pdf
3052Boyd, Raymond (Ed)1995Le système verbal dans les langues oubanguiennesBoyd_1995-3052.pdf
23671Boyd, Virginia L.1996Petit lexique gbaya mbódòmò - français, dialecte de Gandima TongoBoyd_1996-Mbodomo-lex.pdf
3056Boyd, Virginia L.1997A phonology and grammar of MbodomoBoyd_1997-Mbodomo-grm.pdf
1824Boyeldieu, Pascal2004Les pronoms logophoriques dans les langues d’Afrique centraleBoyeldieu_11-22.pdf
3075Boyeldieu, Pascal1987Les langues fer (“kara”) et yulu du nord Centrafricain: esquisses descriptives et lexiquesBoyeldieu_1987-3075.pdf
3089Boyeldieu, Pascal2000La langue bagiro (République Centrafricaine): systématique, textes, lexiqueBoyeldieu_2000-3089.pdf
7109Boyeldieu, Pascal & Pierre Nougayrol2004Les marques personnelles des langues SBB : traits systématiques et perspectives historiquesBoyeldieu_Nougayrol_23-42.pdf
24871Boyeldieu, Pascal, Pierre Nougayrol & Pierre Palayer2006Lexique comparatif historique des langues Sara-Bongo-BaguirmiennesBoyeldieu_SBB.pdf
24241Braconnier, Cassian1987-88Ko/nko à Samatiguila14braconnier.pdf
3118Braconnier, Cassian & Marie-José Derive1978Petit dictionnaire dioulaBraconnier-Derive_1978-3118.pdf
25045Braconnier, Cassian & N. Coulibaly?Lexique numu~ de SokoBraconnierCoulibaly-25045.pdf
25046Braconnier, Cassian & N. Coulibaly?Lexique ligbi de SookoBraconnierCoulibaly-25046.pdf
25047Braconnier, Cassian & N. Coulibaly1986Lexique j?¯g?´BraconnierCoulibaly_1986-25047.pdf
24608Braconnier, Cassian & S. Diaby1982Dioula d’Odienné (parler de Samatiguila): matériel lexicalBraconnier-Diaby_1982.pdf
3142Bradshaw, Mary M.1998Tone alternations in the associative construction in SumaMaddieson-Hinnebusch_1998-12648.pdf
24914Breedveld, J.O.1995The semantic basis of noun class systems: the case of the Ki and Nge classes in FulfuldeBreedveld_1995_24914.pdf
3258Bresnan, Joan & Sam A. Mchombo1995The lexical integrity principle: evidence from BantuBresnan-Mchombo_1995.pdf
3280Bris, Pierre le & [Révérend] [Père] André Prost1981Dictionnaire bobo-français, précédé d’une introduction grammaticale et suivi d’un lexique français-boboLeBris-Prost_1981-3280.pdf
3282Brisson, Robert & Daniel Boursier1979Petit dictionnaire baka-françaisBrisson-Boursier_1979.pdf
3310Brosnahan, L. F.1964Outlines of the phonology of the Gokana dialect of OgoniBrosnahan_1964-3310.pdf
3311Brosnahan, L. F.1967A wordlist of the Gokana dialect of OgoniBrosnahan_1967-3311.pdf
3347Browne, Gerald M.2000Grammar of Old NubianBrowne_2002-3347.pdf
3386Bryan, Margaret Arminel1959The Bantu languages of AfricaBryan_1959-3386.pdf
3394Brye, Edward2001A rapid appraisal language survey of Tsuvan (Mayo-Tsanaga Division, Far North Province)SILESR2002-007.pdf
3398Brye, Edward2002Language survey of Gemzek and Gaduwa (Mayo-Tsanaga Division, Far North Province)SILESR2002-072.pdf
3415Buchanan, Patricia1996/97The Munukutuba noun class systemBuchanan_1997-3415.pdf
24393Bühnen, Stefan1992Place Names as an Historical Source: An Introduction with Examples from Southern Senegambia and GermanyBuhnen-1992-24393.pdf
24072Bühnen, Stefan1988Lexique comparatif des dialectes Ba?un et de Kasanga et CobianaBuhnen_1988-nyun.pdf
3443Buis, Pierre1990Essai sur la langue manjako de la zone de BassarelBuis_1991-3443.pdf
3491Burmeister, Jonathan L.1983L’abouréBurmeister_1983-3491.pdf
3492Burmeister, Jonathan L.1983L’agniBurmeister_1983-3492.pdf
3495Burquest, Donald A.1972A grammar of AngasBurquest_1973-Angas.pdf
3563Bynon, Theodora & Michael Mann1973Papers on ‘Comparative Bantu’: an introductionBynon-Mann_1973-3563.pdf
3593Cahill, Michael [Clark]1999Aspects of the phonology of labial-velar stopsCahill_1999-3593.pdf
3592Cahill, Michael [Clark]1999Aspects of the morphology and phonology of KonniCahill_1999-thesis.pdf
3588Cahill, Michael [Clark]1998Nasal assimilation and labial-velar geometryMaddieson-Hinnebusch_1998-12648.pdf
24065Calame-Griaule, Geneviève1956Les dialectes dogonCalame-Griaule_1956.pdf
24066Calame-Griaule, Geneviève1963Le verbe dogonCalame-Griaule_1963.pdf
24514Calame-Griaule, Geneviève1980 [1974]DogonWALDS-2a.pdf
24504Callow, Kathleen1977 [1968]KasemWALDS-1b.pdf
3641Cameron, Barbara & Janet Kunkel2002A sociolinguistic survey of the Dhimba languageSILESR2002-070.pdf
24091Capo, Hounkpatin C.1983Le Gbe est une langue uniqueCapo_1983_gbe.pdf
24611Caprile, Jean-Pierres.d. [1969 ?]Lexique mbaï-françaisCaprile_1969-24611.pdf
3720Caprile, Jean-Pierre1975Lexique tumak-français (Tchad)Caprile_1975-3720.pdf
23032Carlson, Robert J.1993A sketch of Jo: a Mande language with a feminine pronounCarlson_1993-23032.pdf
23075Carlton, Elizabeth M. & Sharon R. Rand1993Enquête sociolinguistique sur les langues Diolas de basse CasamanceCarlton-Rand_1993-23075.pdf
22993Carlton, Elizabeth M. & Sharon R. Rand1994Compilation de listes de mots Swadesh modifiées recueillis parmi les langues du groupe Diola, sud du SénégalCarlton-Rand_1994-22993.pdf
25012Carreira, António1963Influência da língua Mandinga na PajadincaBCGP_1963_XVIII-71_345-383.pdf
25009Carreira, António1964A etnonímia dos povos de entre o Gâmbia et o estuário do GebaBCGP_1964_XIX-75_233-273.pdf
3844Carter, Hazel1973Tonal data in ‘Comparative Bantu’Carter_1973-3844.pdf
3857Carteron, Michel1972Étude de la langue baouléCarteron_1972-3857.pdf
24668Casali, Roderic F.2008ATR Harmony in African LanguagesCasali_2008-ATR.pdf
3865Casali, Roderic F.1995On the reduction of vowel systems in Volta-CongoCasali_1995-3865.pdf
3951Chabrelie, Louis1935Notes sur la langue des Sara, avec un vocabulaire comparatif des différents dialectesChabrelie_1935-Sara.pdf
7630Chaker, Salem2004Les paradigmes personnels du berbèreChaker_43-54.pdf
4032Chen Su-I & Gloria B. Malambe1998Palatalization in SiSwati: an optimality theoretical approachMaddieson-Hinnebusch_1998-12648.pdf
24316Chiche, Michèle & Emilio Bonvini1987-88Bibliographie de Maurice Houis14chiche_bonvini.pdf
4064Childs, George Tucker1983Noun class affix renewal in south West AtlanticChilds_1983-4064.pdf
4067Childs, George Tucker1988The phonology and morphology of KisiChilds_1988-4067.pdf
24063Childs, George Tucker1991Nasality in KisiChilds_1991.pdf
4069Childs, George Tucker1992/94Language typology and reconstruction: the pre-nasalized stops of KisiChilds_1994-4069.pdf
4076Childs, George Tucker1996Where have all the ideophones gone? The death of a word category in ZuluChilds_1996_ideophones-zulu.pdf
4078Childs, George Tucker2000A dictionary of the Kisi language, with an English-Kisi indexChilds_2000-4078.pdf
4141Christaller, Johann Gottlieb1933Dictionary of the Asante and Fante language called Tshi (Twi)Christaller_1933_akan.pdf
24491Clark, David J.1977EkpeyeWALDS-1a.pdf
4197Clarke, Mary Lane1922A Limba-English dictionary, or: Tampen ta ka talun ta ka hulimba in huinkilisi haClarke_1922-limba.pdf
24496Cleal, Alizon M.1977 [1973]GechodeWALDS-1b.pdf
24497Cleal, Alizon M.1977 [1973]GenyangaWALDS-1b.pdf
24509Cleal, Alizon M.1977 [1973]KrachiWALDS-1b.pdf
24528Cleal, Alizon M. & Norman Price1980 [1975]NchumuruWALDS-2a.pdf
4274Cloarec-Heiss, France1998Entre oubanguien et soudan central: les langues bandaMaddieson-Hinnebusch_1998-12648.pdf
4324Cohen, Marcel1995 [1936, 1970]Traité de langue amharique (Abyssinie)Cohen_1995-4324
4404Colley, Ebrima1995Mandinka-English dictionaryColley_1995-4404.pdf
4405Colley, Ebrima1995Mandinka grammar manualColley_1995-4405.pdf
4431Colombel, Véronique de1997La langue ouldémé, nord-Cameroun: précis de grammaire, texte, lexiqueColombel_1997-4431.pdf
24169Comrie, Bernard2003West African logophorics and the typology of reference-trackingComrie_2004-logo-24169.pdf
4457Connell, Bruce A.1998Classifying Cross RiverMaddieson-Hinnebusch_1998-12648.pdf
24255Coulibaly, Bakary1987-88Séquences médiates et immédiates dans le syntagme complétif du jula14coulibaly.pdf
24257Coulibaly, Bakary1990L'harmonie syllabique en jula19coulibaly.pdf
4593Coupez, André1955Esquisse de la langue holoholoCoupez_1955-4593.pdf
25203Cover, Rebecca Tamar2010Aspect, Modality, and Tense in BadiarankeCover_2010-25203.pdf
4650Cox, Monica E.1998Description grammaticale du ncam (bassar), langue gurma du Togo et du GhanaCox_1998-4650.pdf
24482Cox, Monica E.1977 [1973]BassariWALDS-1a.pdf
4680Crazzolara, Joseph Pasquale1960A study of the Logbara (Ma’di) language: grammar and vocabularyCrazzolara_1960-4680.pdf
24276Creissels, Denis1985Les verbes statifs dans les parlers manding10creissels.pdf
24262Creissels, Denis1987-88Esquisse du système tonal du korokan14creissels.pdf
24264Creissels, Denis1988Elements de phonologie du koyaga de Mankono (Côte-d'Ivoire)16creissels.pdf
24200Creissels, Denis1989La nasalité en bambara du Beledugu (parler de Daban)17creissels.pdf
24239Creissels, Denis1989Structures syllabiques du dialonké de Faleya18creissels.pdf
24273Creissels, Denis1990Le pronom N! et l'article N! dans les langues mandé-nord20creissels.pdf
25043Creissels, Denis1982Document lexical Maukakan (parler manding du Maou)Creissels_1982-25043.pdf
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